Is Black Culture Invaluable?
There is a disturbing history in America regarding the reappropriating of creative, intellectual, or involuntary contributions from black bodies. From the spiritual and gynecology to I.B.M.’s first system on chip the vast contributions are enough to call for a standard of living in this country; but not for the equity potential and unalienable rights.
Stifling black worth therefore is the equivalent of taxation without representation in government to provide political capital for the worth. So why is it that despite the suffering of justice; how under magnification given Breonna, George, and Elijah, that no politicians besides Howie Hawkins supported reparations?
Their predecessor allies from within the Democratic Party had barely seen the stage. Marianne Williamson was tarred; and Mike Gravel was blackballed. While Joe Biden remained silent, questionably for political expediency and not for leadership, all conversations as to how we could politically galvanize people on foot was squashed.
How should one respond to records of wealth being found in the stock market after Congressmen/Congresswomen used the Pandemic briefs to sell stock. We literally cannot trust public servants $75,000 a year to read and do what is best for others without manipulating the process. They lack the conscience to help; all while people are being denied aid, and medicare; let alone restitution. We can however fidget war budgets to help other militaries despite hypothetically “lacking the resources at home.”
It was gradual; from 1.8 trillion to 900 Billion. $1,200 to $600. All for a man who promised on National television the night of the debate that he would veto Medicare for All if it passed the Senate and the House and was on his desk. Now we are left writing e-mails to Congressmen/Congresswomen for policy that does not directly aid us; while parts of the bill even aid the Israeli military.
I only wish that there were more direct initiatives to provide Black Entrepreneurs direct resources; aimed at allowing them to further exonerate that the American aspect of “Black” Culture that have been exploited. Being denied ability to create changes with ability to create socio-political and economic boosts; but I am unsure whether we’d rather commit to socialism for the rich; and La Sais Faire Capitalism for the poor.