My Great Lie (Gonzo’s Journal 19)
About thoughts that had led to my vision of a “Rock Opera”.
To determine one’s identity does it take inward searching?
All is fair in love and war but not in passion and charity?
I love myself; When I was dancing on my bed as the Cops came.
I knew To Pimp A Butterfly would be The Soundtrack… 7 days in Sunny June.
The Ativan relapse after the Cannabis; perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
I didn’t like the drugs but the drugs liked me.
So I tried to find out how to be a rockstar because that was my fire;
Only to realize I was the only one with a point to make to everyone
It wasn’t to impress the women; It was to solidify myself; amidst the sun;
I foolishly believed that eyes are mirrors; and not windows to the soul.
The Rock of Ages;
It wasn’t just for Her
I joined the Order of The Phoenix in my own mind
For us… To Rise Above, Not Against. The Projectors are dirty.
For U.S. to unite and see the source of love within ourselves
As music and art are the spiritual glues that diffused cultures;
Their protests ultimately freed the expression of the creators…
Maybe I should have been more fortuitous to value my own creations.
Been there… It’s in the past
I space traveled and lapped everyone
Because I have Big Dick energy and I’ll Call humans out.
To F**k Em…The @$$holes, The Pu$$ys, and the Mouths…
“The ceiling is bleeding…”
But Not for me;
I saw constellations in the galaxy
Ecliptic trajectory in harmony…
I was never a part of the Rat race; because I am in a league of my own…
(On “An Atoms not made, it vibes or gets played, to rescue a frequency’s set. Plancks distance the metric, magnetic, electric, the water is polarized; wet. We’ll see what race mattered when tacheyons shattered; the eye of beholders forget; The true source of love as below so above; we reach to the stars to connect.”
EM stands for Electro Magnetic… It was also the name of an Audio Engineer that had me smitten… I picked up LSD, only to be told “Why is it we can’t take drugs and look in the mirror?” from Em… There was one black chemist in the corner named Ozymandias (Brother) mixing chemicals and shooting off fire crackers; while the “Artful Dodger” served dabs and was paranoid of the cops as he hid his gun. That was the last night I scored hallucinogens (substances) with his friend J; And I had interrupted a jam session that would have been the last between brothers… J passed away while I was institutionalized… For being in the woods to try and detox and create an album. The album reflects survivors guilt, and the battle with one’s mortality in the vain of “Dante’s Inferno” where “Atom” enters the 7 circles of Hell to retrieve a star crossed lover by surviving time as a frequency that can bring personality to the planets.”)